The Emotion behind Creative mind

Our mind is such an interesting entity. It has the capacity to make us feel a whole variety of emotions all at once with the stories it makes up, or reminds us of events that may have happened, or could possibly happen.

If we live a mostly unconscious life, we are rocked back and forth in this gamut of emotions and let our mind choose how we are feeling that day.

Consciously we can use our mind to be in a creative place. When mind is creating a story that must be written, or recorded or music that must be played, or art that absolutely has to be on a canvas; the emotion that mind brings with creation is that of excitement, joy, anticipation and pleasure among many others.

So what if we focused on how we could train our mind to remain creative and open to possibilities of what could be. For one thing, it would ensure we remain in a joyous emotional state for a longer period of time.
