Entitled or Grateful?

When you ask yourself, am I entitled or am I grateful? What do you find comes up?

Entitlement looks like this-” I should have more money, I deserve it”. “Why should I always do everything all the time, nobody else lifts a finger to help me”. “The weather is awful, its too cold, its unfair”.

You get the idea. We think of these as complains, but they really are a cry of help from a person who sees themselves in scarcity and victimhood. They are aware that they can make a change but they rather blame everyone and everything outside themselves to feel better about their circumstance.

The opposite of this is GRATITUDE. When we are grateful, we recognize fully that we havent been given every comfort, and things have not added up to our ego needs, yet we recognize all that has come our way and give thanks for it all anyways.

We give thanks for the cold weather, for those who depend on us, for times when everything takes twice as long or appears difficult, we see these as mini adventures and wonderful growth experiences.

This is the abundance mindset and one that is seeped in deep joy and love.

While I never find one is good or bad, I do know that when we are grateful, we do not attach to outcome and can enjoy life exactly as it shows up. We can give space to everyone and everything to be fully accepted as is, as we find enjoyment in the experience.
