Sit back, rest with Life

Everyone of us has at least one thing we are figuring out right now, if not several. The problems/puzzles that seem impossible, too difficult to solve.

Our inner critic and ego love having a go at this, they tell us that we need to keep working at it, and they come up with a myriad of asinine ways to fruitlessly worry and beat ourselves up about it.

What if instead, we simply sat back with our best friend Life. let this puzzle loom up ahead in its unfinished/partly finished form. We simply lean back into the space of peace and joy of being here now with our best friend, and let the puzzle be, it will continue to be there no matter what. We sit back and simple observe it, rest our body, mind, and soul from the worry of solving it. Asking Life for clues and hints, have a discussion of the purpose of this very puzzle in front of us.

What if, in this rest lies the ability to solve, the ability to see what was fully hidden before. What if in this rest, we evoke our spirit to examine how we can solve this puzzle with kindness, love and joy rather than ego-driven self-hate and impatience.

After all any and every problem/puzzle was put in front of us, so we may learn and grow from it, become better/kinder more peaceful and joyous versions of ourselves compared to a few seconds ago.

Some problems/puzzles may never be fully solved in this one incarnation, we uncover bits and pieces of them, revealing more complex parts that need to be uncovered, the point is to keep relaxing into the solution.

So when presented with a problem, would you remember to sit back, rest, observe, and allow the learning and growing to unfold organically?