The observer effect

We are such a beautiful stew/melting pot/potpourri of human-karma-spirit-observer-consciousness.

Human me is bound to karma, ego, conditioning and generational trauma hurt. If I see myself as human only, the suffering would be unsurmountable! I would live in that place of hell and fire where I would be incapable of holding my own emotions and blame anything and everyone externally, taking no responsibility. Always stuck in the the unending questions of “why me”! or “What did I do to deserve this”! that victim/helpless feeling of being small and having all this being thrown upon me.

Somedays, we all live in this space, its like small parts of us remain attached to the human ego/karma story of hurt and suffering.

Spirit- the life force breathed into this fleshy body is what animates us, it is what loves the human unconditionally and brings this human all the experiences to grow and learn in life. Life is not here to provide comfort or discomfort, only experience. Its the human-ego that labels them as comfortable or uncomfortable. Fall into spirit love, into that vast space of being carried and held and loved and eternally comforted in the warm cocoon of safety, joy and bliss. Its heavenly.

The Conscious observer, is observing the spirit having the many human experiences. In fact, the more we are able to step back and be the observer, the observer effect has immense power to change the outcome. The outcome changes not from discomfort to comfort, but from being asleep to being awake, being aware, being amazed at the tremendous abundance and joy sent our way.

The more we observe and be amazed, the more amazing the experiences seem.