Space between

The above image is from one of my favorite paintings. Mostly because it has a thousand different ways of viewing and interpreting and also because I was able to bask in its presence a few years ago. It was a magical experience. Call me insane, but I felt Michelangelo himself present there in spirit, and feel his creativity and his angst as I sat there looking up at this masterpiece.

As I was examining the idea of the “space between”, I glanced at this painting as it hangs above my desk, and bam! just like that it became clear. The space between where God’s (Spiritual Presence) finger reaching out to a listless Adam (Human) almost touching his, is where all the LOVE resides. God may not be physically attached to Adam, however the love that is being transmitted is forever there, in that small space between, that field of love.

“Space between” may be the title of a Dave Matthews song, now I am not quite sure Dave meant the Love between? Maybe he did? Our mind and body allow us to believe we have a physical presence only, and quite successfully too. Too many human beings are trapped in some Karma story, in some dream that only allows them to experience the physical realm.

The “space between” every physical situation, person, thing, place, being, is the field where Love resides. To experience this pure feeling of love, is our one true purpose as conscious awake souls. The greater the distance between the two objects, the larger the field of LOVE.

Love, the emotion, always feels the same, and we know it when we are feeling it, whether it is from a lover, child, friend, pet, tree etc.. we know LOVE, the feeling. Yet, we choose to not receive it fully. We believe that we are loved only when an external someone or something goes out of their way to express love to us. However, that “space between” us and them always holds the ever present, ever powerful love. Even if the experience with that physical person/situation has come to a completion in this incarnation, that LOVE we hold in the “space between” us, remains and can be received and experienced always and forever.

Next time you miss someone, know that you are only missing an experience that has fulfilled itself, that has come to completion, and has left space for a new experience. It is why we are here so our awakened conscious soul can observe the human experience in the moment. The “space between” us and the past experience (person, place, thing, being) is alive with the vibrant Love that was shared, given and received.

So sit quietly, and enter the field of that love, that space and experience that alive and ever present Love. It is reaching out to you, receive it.