Yin Yang-Balance

The Yin Yang concept of balance is well known to most. While Yin can represent the ultimate feminine or night (the high priestess) aspect and Yang the masculine or day (The magician) as depicted in the tarot cards above, it means so much more than simply that.

Yin / Yang: Two halves that together complete wholeness. Yin and yang are also the starting point for change. When something is whole, by definition, it’s unchanging and complete. So when you split something into two halves – yin/yang, it upsets the equilibrium of wholeness. Both halves are chasing after each other as they seek a new balance with each other.

This balance piece is important to understand, one cannot exist without the other and one begins where the other has almost ended, so each being a part of the other. We humans are just this, we have both the doing (Yang) and the being (Yin) within. Some of us are more comfortable (conditioned) to express one aspect more in our daily lives versus the other, and perhaps even uncomfortable expressing the other.

For example- I am comfortable with Yang, I am an action oriented, “doing” kind of person, but I often burn out with all the action and movement and doing. That’s why its important I balance my Yang with Yin, just being/resting. Just being or resting, makes me uncomfortable, and feels like lack of progress. But in my wise old years I have come to realize how important it is for me to settle into Yin, into just being, into non-action, into observation, letting Life come to me and accept it simply as is. This brings pause, space and breath into my life to begin new creation and blossom growth and beauty.

Yin energy is also that of unconditional receiving of everything however it is presented, today be the chalice that receives, and let it all come to you.

Are you struggling with balance, which are you most in need of now Yin or Yang or a bit of both? Thoughts? comments?