You Choose, and I’ll Follow

As Caroline Myss writes elegantly in her book “The Anatomy of the Spirit”– “We all do live, at least periodically, within the illusion that we are in charge of our lives. We seek money and social status in order to have great power of choice so that we do not have to follow the choices that other make for us. The idea that consciousness requires surrendering personal will to Divine will, stands in direct conflict with all we have come to consider the measure of an empowered person.

Thus, we may repeat the cycle of fear-surprise-fear-surprise, until we reach the point of prayer in which we say: You choose, and I’ll follow. Once we release this prayer, guidance may enter our lives, along with the endless acts of synchronicity and coincidence- Divine Interference at its best.”

Dr. Myss continues to say-The greatest act of will in which we can invest in our spirits is to choose to live according to these rules:

  1. Make no judgements
  2. Have no expectations.
  3. Give up the need to know why things happen the way they do.
  4. Trust that the unscheduled events of our lives are a form of spiritual direction.
  5. Have the courage to make the choices we need to make, accept what we cannot change, and have the wisdom to know the difference.

Which one of these rules do you find the most difficult? Personally, I have trouble with almost all of them, however I find #2 (have no expectations) and #3 (Give up the need to know why things happen the way they do), the most difficult to embrace. My fearful child-ego wants to cling to the familiar and to find something/someone, a reason, to blame when faced with uncertainty or unexpected outcomes.

Thoughts, comments?