In today’s society we are so fixated on physical looks. Advertisers and marketers capitalize on this ego need and provide myriad of beauty enhancing products. Ones that will reverse age and make us look younger, which is associated with prettier- more acceptable.
What if we aren’t aging at all, simple physically transforming? Just as we accept emotional growth and mental maturity, physical transformation could be similarly acceptable concept.
As a 51 year old woman, I have changing hormones, weight gain and hot flashes. I have been offered many weight loss options and appetite suppressors by my health care providers. Instead, I decided to re-examine and re-imagine how I can feed this body in this process of transformation. The food choices I can make to increase metabolism, and pay close attention to what I eat, how much and how it makes me feel. After all, at 51 I want to eat so I may have the right amount of energy to fulfil my dreams with passion.
So no matter what human number you believe your body to be at, how about today you examine your food intake, and really get to know eating which foods can fuel your body. Examine how moving/exercise can keep those arteries healthy and clean and that old ticker functioning at a healthy pace.