The one person

Once we make self-care and self-love and self-need first and foremost, the path to helping, caring for and loving others in the most authentic way will open up by itself.

I have always been someone who has put the safety, comfort, happiness and ease of others prior to mine. I have felt that if I take care of those who are unable to do so for themselves then I will feel worthy and valuable to them and to me. This has been my biggest impairment.

Knowing what I now know, when faced with a dilemma, small or big, Where shall we eat lunch, or what does my future hold. I first ask myself- What does my body need, my mind, my spirit, my soul right now? How do I want to hold my needs and dreams first? What do I need right now? The answers have always provided the most joyous paths for myself and my loved ones.

Try it, even for a day, you will be quite surprised. This is the simple transformation many talk about.